Thursday, August 30, 2012



I decided to make one more quick post. After finding gluten free cookies by Liz Lovely at a local coffee shop in my town, my sister decided to buy me some as a "Yay starting school year" present.

She got me a ton of flavors of their gluten free cookies:

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip
Gluten Free Snickerdoodle
Gluten Free Peanut Butter
Gluten Free Chocolate Fudge

Unfortunately, because of the heat, the cooler and ice pack they were packed in were basically destroyed. It's Texas, man. Some of the cookies fell apart or melted together because of it, but they still taste amazing, crumbly and all. I know the picture doesn't look like your typical cookie and you're all like "that's disgusting" but trust me, these are the best gluten free cookies I've ever had. And I try my luck with cookies. I'm a cookie connoisseur. Some might even say cookie "monster." 

The snickerdoodle ones might be my favorite. They taste like sugar cookie dough with cinnamon when they are cold. Then the chocolate chip are classically amazing and my other favorite. 

The peanut butter I wasn't a huge fan of, and the chocolate fudge is good, but really strong. I think it's dark chocolate, but you can only eat so much of that at a time because it's like BAM I'M CHOCOLATE. 

And there is my review....



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