Sunday, September 23, 2012


Ok, so my test results from the LRA by ELISA ACT test are in!!!
First, a brief overview of the test. 
It cost me $806, like $20 for shipping, and $35 for the blood draw at a local hospital. 

Quick summary of test: 
The LRA by ELISA/ACT are comprehensive and reliable tests able to identify the causes of delayed allergy/hypersensitivity reactions. These can occur from hours to weeks after exposure. This LRA can evaluate all three delayed hypersensitivity pathways,  including  Reactive  Antibody,  Immune  Complex,  and  Cell  Mediated.  Because  the  LRA  by  ELISA/ACT  is functional, it allows EAB to screen out protective antibodies and identify only those reactive and symptom-provoking responses to items tested. Most people do not realize they are reacting to these substances since the onset of symptoms does not occur quickly.

But let's clear this up: the ELISA test is NOT an ALLERGY test. It is for INTOLERANCES. So, if you have a reaction within a few seconds or hours, it could be an allergy or intolerance or both. But if you have a reaction to things after a couple hours to a couple days/weeks later, it's just an intolerance. 

That being said, my results were somewhat surprising. 
Here is my summary sheet: 

So my results from strong and moderate reactions, interesting. NO GLUTEN, WHEAT, OATS, OR BARLEY? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? 
I questioned this immediately of course, and here are my conclusions/options: 
1) they are allergies, not intolerances
2) they are metabolic (non-immune reactions), very rare, but possible. 
3) I have no reaction to these, but the other things that I do have reactions to are involved in producing all of the others. i.e. sulfites or soy beans.

Other surprising results: 

  • I react to bananas? That sucks! I eat them all the time lol. Might explain that....
  • I react to Ibuprofen? I also take that all the time lol. I often have extreme headaches, so bad that I'll get nauseous and won't be able to move. I don't really like taking tylenol because of the whole kill your liver thing, so I'll have to figure out something there. 
  • The milk results aren't surprising, but I guess I'm surprised at all of the ones they listed that I specifically react to.
  • Turkey? Well that puts a damper on my gluten free sandwiches and Thanksgiving. 
  • And lol at the Xylitol. Remember when I tried that and got SOOO sick, and I thought it was because it was made of gluten? While the gluten part might still be accurate, the plain reaction to xylitol is just ironically funny.
  • I was also very surprised at the chemicals I get sick to. And that so many of the results suggest drinking pure water, bathing in pure water, and only eating organic fruits and vegetables as solutions.
  • Some of these things I never ever expected: walnut oil? Lima beans? codfish? lol? They are so normal and I never eat those haha. Good thing I guess!

 This is the letter explaining how they tested for these products and what "strong" versus "moderate" means. Basically, strong reactions means that more than 50% of lymphocytes reacted adversely, and moderate reactions mean 5-50% of lymphocytes reacted adversely. But moderate reactions will take about half the time to recover than strong reactions, so they are still something to avoid. 

 Here are the pages on things I react to. I think you can click on the pic to see them larger. 

 This means another re-adjustment in my eating habits, most I'm not ready for yet. This whole thing is too expensive. Why couldn't this have happened to me after I had a real job and had no college loans to pay off? 



  1. Hi, thank you for sharing your test results. I am wondering if you have followed the recommendation of avoidance and if you see any difference in how you feel.

    1. Thanks for the comment! You can read my "About me" for more information on the progress of my health status. But basically, yes, i did follow the recommendations and became a lot better than I was. I still got sick quite frequently though, in my opinion, way too much for someone to handle. It was difficult to leave my house or hang out with anyone because I felt ill so often.

  2. Which version of the test did you take? I'm an unemployed, uninsured older student and debating taking this test because my fibromyalgia symptoms have gotten worse, making school difficult.

    1. I am so sorry I'm just seeing this comment!! I never got a notification. I took the "166 and 234 food groups, the 27 additive group, and the medication group" one. I went through a nutritionalist (you have to get doctor/nutritionalist to approve it for you) and they got a slight discount. i think originally it was $860 no insurance and ended up being $795 no insurance. This didn't include the blood draw/blood draw kit fee. All together, it was almost $900 no insurance. This was also in 2012 so I can't say how prices have changed. I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. I completely understand how hard it is to live, go to school, and deal with an illness. I pray you get better!!

  3. So after taking the ELISA test and trying out a diet free of those food items they listed, would you recommend the test to others? Is it worth the money?

    1. The Pierce Family, it's hard to tell you what to do concerning your own health...My opinion is yes, if you have tried to go on a helpful diet unsuccessfully or if you are trying other treatments and they aren't helping or if you dont want to try other treatments and want to try and handle this naturally...I'd get the test. But you must be prepared:
      1) to actually follow your results, 100%
      2) be aware that your new diet will affect your economical and social life
      3) you will go through withdrawals for the first few weeks/months
      4) it will be hard. really hard. harder than you expect if you haven't done something like this before.
      5) if you get a strict food list, dont' just go out and buy food. research, google, and prepare. if you are prepared with foods you can eat, you will handle it better

      This diet helped me. but it was also not enough to heal me. I was too far damaged, bleeding pretty heavy internally. I wasn't aware of this because I stopped going to the doctor. I just tried my best, even though as a poor, busy college student, I didn't do a great job. It was hard going out with friends when we could only go to certain restaurants, it was embarrassing having to explain it to every waiter and waitress, and being in the gravy filled south, my options were slim and most people didn't understand the concept of what I was talking about ("you can't eat like...anything? derrrrr"). It was a hard transition, but it got easier. I got to where I didn't cry about not having cookies and cake (I was a big dessert person), and I stopped missing bread. You get over it. but it will be a long struggle for a while. Unless you are just a superhero - then more power to you! I wish I could have handled it better. but I was bitter and in denial and frustrated. I wish you all the best and I pray whatever issues you have are healed. Feel free to ask me anything else.

    2. I realize that wasn't the most uplifting reply! Let me add a few things - I'm glad I did it. I had very unhealthy habits and this broke me of them. It made me read ingredient lists and look stuff up and it made me aware of how horrible foods are these days, and how important it is to really take care of yourself. I'm still not doing the best job, but this was a needed wake up call and I know i'll be healthier from now on out because of having to go through all this and getting all of the information about how my body reacted to different foods. I felt like telling you all of the things from above because before I went on my diet, no one told me these things. I had such expectations that if I followed the diet, it would be pretty easy and I'd immediately get better. Most things I read online was everyone had spectacular results, and they weren't happening immediately for me, so it made things so much more difficult. I think it's best to go in knowing all of the things that might not be perfect so you are prepared if you dont have a miraculous immediate perfect results to the diet. Just know that if it's hard - you aren't alone, and it will get better. It just takes knowledge and patience.

  4. Did you see the best results from the last 2 years ?!?

  5. Did you see the best results from the last 2 years ?!?
