So, my second week of school has been an odd doozy. I'm getting into the swing of remembering what classes i'm going to, working on second assignments and waiting for the other classes to start making me stress out, doing better in my skiing class overall, drinking lots and lots and lots of water (I seem to have this nausea / blacking out issue this summer) and surviving.
Have I said what my classes are this semester?
MATH 470: Cryptography
CSCE 420: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
MATH 311: Linear Algebra
CSCE 462: Microcomputer Systems
KINE : Skiing
So far, cryptography is the most boring thing ever and a ton of boring number theory.
AI is a lot more...neurological than I expected. I guess I hadn't really thought about that before you can emulate intelligence, you have to define and understand what we consider to be human intelligence. It's almost philosophical...and then turning philosophy into algorithms. lol. that's going to be fun.
Linear algebra, oh how I hate you. Probably the second easiest math class I've ever taken, and I say this because yes, I took it last semester and failed. I had a solid B in the class the entire semester and then BOMBED the final, making me fail the class.
Way to go, Brittany.
Now I've got it again, and this professor believes in proofs. Longer than one page proofs. with things like A12A11C11+A21A11C11 + NO ONE CARES
Imagine writing an entire page of that.
Every line.
Oh, and you've got to do about 50 more.
I'm having a blast so far. Took me 4 hours to do a little over half my homework due for that class. AND I'VE TAKEN IT BEFORE.
Microcomputer systems looks....scary? Right now, not bad, because our first lab was simple and the prof doesn't seem to care about anything that isn't hands on, so I haven't even taken notes in class yet. And the end of the semester, we are supposed to plan a project with a budget, buy all the necessary parts, and build something to present for our final project. And then take a final exam. And my experience with hardware related things is so superb...
As for skiing. lol. If I don't faint by the time I make it there and by the time I make it back to main campus, I pretty much call it a successful day. It's on a fake mountain built of white spray painted turf that the prof sprays with water every few minutes. We wear long socks, and right now the ski boots with short skis and those sticks.
Skiing in 100+ degree weather makes it even more accurate. And feels even more like death. Plus the boots I had on last time sucked and kept pinching my calves.
As far as clumsiness: I slipped in some mud and almost banana-peeled it on Thursday. I managed to save myself from the ground, but did have disgusting feeling and looking mud smeared on my shoes, foot, and one leg for almost an hour until I could get to a bathroom to clean off. I've really lost all caring about looking good these days. I just go with it.
"Oh, does it look like I just slipped in cow manure? No biggie"
"Oh, do I smell horrible because I've been "skiing" on a fake mountain for an hour in 100+ degree weather and i'm soaked with sweat? meh. And would you look at that? Make up is GONE."
"Oh, " - blacked out.
just kidding.
kind of.
That's school. Now food:
I've basically been eating the same thing as last week, with minor exceptions. And I know you're like, "Really? The same stuff? But my face has been relatively clear, and the main point: I HAVEN'T GOTTEN SICK LIKE NORMAL, so yeah, i'm going to eat the same stuff while I can still stand it. Although, I do have this weird symptom. Every morning, I'm sick for about an hour to two hours. Not exactly my normal sickness, but I'm nauseous, abdominal pain, and it's really unpleasant to move. Then after the time is up, I'm ok for the rest of the day. This happens regardless of when or what I eat the night before. And it isn't always directly when I wake up, sometimes it's after I've been standing about 5-10 minutes.
Exceptions with the food this week:
I ate some tacos at Jack in the Box. (Celiac friend told me they were ok)
I ate some tater tots at Sonic, and today, I got eggs, grilled onions, cheese, and chipotle sauce together. IT WAS DELICIOUS. Granted, it took some effort to order:
me: Um could I get eggs, grilled onions, cheese, and chipotle sauce on the side, but together?
lady on speaker ("WHAT?"): uhhhhh like on the side?
me: yes, just together in like a bowl or something
lady: ummmm. is that like a Smoked Chipotle Burrito without the steak, jalapenos, tater tots, and tortilla?
Yeah. Because that's easier to say. Go ahead and charge me for the full d*** burrito because you don't know which button to click.
me: yes
lady: ummm ok. anything else ("please no, my brain will explode")
but it really was amazing. I want it again actually.
I had frozen yogurt at Yogurtland with my boyfriend last night. Their "gluten free" signs above the yogurt are so amazing. I don't have to reference anything! Although, I need to be more careful with toppings. I didn't read the little signs and assumed i was getting white chocolate bits when I actually got yogurt bits. Have no idea what was in them, but I woke up with my normal sickness today, so I think they were no good.
I know it isn't food related, but I have been DYING to wear this dress. I've had it over a year now and have never had the opportunity to wear it out. Plus Yogurtland is the first place my boyfriend and I went out alone together to, so it was kind of special to go again.
Now for life's ironies:
So most likely I've got Crohn's disease, right? and that affects oh say, less than one percent of the population.
I also am gluten intolerant, which affects less than 10 percent of the population (moving up in the world!).
Let's just stop there before we get overwhelmed. I could go on for days here. but let's add this one:
Today, my boyfriend had a bat fly at him, land on him, crawl up his shirt, and possibly scratch him. He is currently driving to the ER to get the rabies vaccine.
Put that in your back pocket.
Let's go over some key bats + rabies facts that not a lot of people know:
- A bat can bite you without you feeling it and without you seeing the wound. Some bats have teeth so tiny, a wound wouldn't look any bigger than if a staple punctured your skin. Try finding that kind of wound on say...your back. Or neck.
- 1% of bats have rabies, but 100% of humans who contract the disease die.
- Once symptoms of a rabies bite appear, you die. You must get the first vaccine before the symptoms appear. There has been only FOUR cases of someone surviving unvaccinated without brain damage, and only with something called the "Milwaukee Protocol," which is an induced coma. One girl was in a coma for 31 days and hospitalized for 76 days.
- It is suggested to seek immediate medical attention if a bat even TOUCHES you. If a bat does touch or bite you, wash the wound immediately with soap and water, then seek immediate medical attention.
- First symptoms of rabies are headache and fever. Then the virus attacks the brain and central nervous system.
I could go on, but you get the idea. Freaks you out, doesn't it? My boyfriend doesn't take things seriously. He wasn't going to go to the doctor at all. I was severely stressed out. Nearly in tears. In cases like these, suck it up and get the vaccines (It is typically a set of 3-5 over a course of a couple weeks). If you didn't have it, oh well, you had to get some shots that were unpleasant. If you did? You're dead in three days.
Geez it freaks me out. So scary. Anyway, I need to talk about something happy here. Can't end on a note of rabies!!!
OH! I just remembered. I'm getting the LRA by ELISA ACT test done Monday morning. Finally!!!!! YAY! I mean, I really don't want them to take my blood, but at least I'll finally get some solid results. Even though I would have rather paid for this:
![]() |
Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM |
It's so amazing to me that the used price is HALF the original price. and yet...still ridiculous!!!
oh man...this has made me start looking at lenses....and I found an older version of one they just came out with...which made the price go down considerably...oh dear....this could be bad....
//off to look at lenses.
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