Thursday, April 19, 2012

Chevelle and Cookie Mug Cakes

For several reasons.

First of all, I went to see Chevelle last night with my boyfriend and other best friend. And they were AMAZINGGGG.
It was kind of stupid though, because the venue they were at, Harry's, kind of set up a scam. They put 7pm on the tickets, lending you to think the concert started at ohhhh, 7pm? But it actually started at around 9pm. Pretty sure they did that just so they would get tons of people standing around with nothing to do but buy something to drink (Harry's ----> $$$     <- that's what it looks like when you throw your wallet at Harry's as a sacrifice).

We sat around and chatted and it wasn't terrible, but I would have rather just heard the band straight from the start. They had two intro bands: New Medicine and Dead Sara. Never heard of either of them. New Medicine sounded alright and played for about 30 minutes, Dead Sara was pretty dang terrible and played for about 45 minutes. THEN CHEVELLE OMG.

I assumed they would play a lot more music from their new album, Hats Off to the Bull, but they only played about 3 songs from it, and a ton of old good ones that everyone knew the lyrics to.
Here is a link for my favorite song from their new cd, Envy,

They ended the night with Red,

I had a great time. I want to see them play again!

Ok, ok, I know, i'm supposed to be talking about food here.

So today: I had leftover eggplant casserole for breakfast. I really hate celery. I'm just going to throw that out there. I also don't think I made it right, or maybe the cheese substitute changed it a lot, because it just doesn't taste as good as my grandma's does.

For lunch I made the oven omelet that I had frozen. Ok, DON'T FREEZE EVERYTHING YOU MAKE. Bad idea, guys. It came out weird. For some reason, not all of the egg would cook. Even after I put it in the oven for an hour (like, really?). So, no more freezing that dish.

Then tonight, I ran across some mug cake recipes online. (little "cake" recipes for a cup that you can make in the microwave, a < 5 minute process)

Slightly doubtful, I decided to try one out, because I really really want a cookie / cake / bread.
I used this recipe:
And I made some alterations of course. Here is the recipe I made from it:

Chocolate Chip Cookie Mug Cake

3T gluten-free flour blend (I used Bobs Red Mill)
1T stevia in the raw
1 T light/raw agave nectar
¼ tsp baking powder
2T almond milk (You can add more if it's too thick after you stir it.)
1/2T canola oil (any good tasting oil would work)
1T almond butter (or peanut butter, hazelnut butter, sunbutter, etc)
1T chocolate chips (I used Enjoy Life allergen-free chips)

Making It:
Mix flour, stevia, and baking powder thoroughly in a microwave safe mug.
Add in oil, agave, and almond milk and mix.
Add in almond butter and mix.
Add in chocolate chips and mix.
 Microwave for about 40 seconds.

Please note, DO NOT EAT THIS RAW. You may get excited and think it's like tasty batter or cookie dough, BUT IT'S NOT, IT TASTES LIKE NASTY FLOUR AND WILL DISAPPOINT YOU. 
Ok, Other than that, it was freaking amazing. I paired it with almond milk (I pretty much drink almond milk with everything dessert-like). and it was SOOO GOOOODD. 

I haven't added up the calories because I want to enjoy this one for a few days, but I will eventually just because I'll probably eat it all the time if something doesn't stop me. 

I forgot to take a picture (curses), but I will upload one as soon as I make another. I just got so excited I forgot about pictures....

UPDATE: I made another, this time doubling the recipe and took a picture. 

Turns out, I cannot handle sweets like I used to. The doubled recipe came out fine, and the double heating time on the microwave was perfect. But it was too much for me! I couldn't finish it. And that's saying A LOT. I used to down sugar packets at restaurants for goodness sakes. I guess my sweet tolerance is dying. And that genuinely makes me sad. I guess it's a good thing though.

Also, I added up the calories for a normal batch. It's 327.5 Calories. Not terrible...
----end update

Also, as far as my well-being: I'm doing better, honestly. I've had a lot of variety in what I've been eating, which really makes a difference when you'd rather eat anything else but what you have (even if it tastes good, I just don't normally eat stuff like the stuff I've been eating. I miss my "real" food). It definitely makes you less depressed to be able to mix up food and not continuously eat one thing for a couple days or meals. 

I think I had one medical shake this week. I'm going to start making them differently and probably have one about 1-3 times a week. I'll post when I figure that out. One thing at a time, yo. 

I have also started running about 3-4 times a week for the past two or three weeks. Yeah, that's weird to say. You know why? Because I hate exercise. I HATE running. So why combine the two? I'm not sure. Ironically, because I'm lazy, lol. It's easy to just put on shoes and start running around my neighborhood. And I think being outside makes me feel better. I'm always indoors doing homework or in a dungeon coding something. It's nice to see the sun or feel the wind sometimes, even if you think you are dying because you are running. I run about 1 - 1.5 miles each time, depending on how tired I am or how much I feel like I'm going to pass out or throw up. Yeah, so I've got the body of a 70 year old, give me a break. 

I was losing incentive to run until I installed a RunKeeper app on my phone. It keeps track of how fast you are running and how far you run. So now that I'm competing with myself, it makes running a tiny bit easier. 

Annnnd that's about it. 

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