Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oven Omelet Happiness

So, I'm getting pretty sick of those chicken and dumplings I made (yes, i'm still eating them, and omg why is there so much left...)

Then for lunch, I had my usual on campus. They have limited options for me (like one) so I have a salad with: lettuce, turkey, and avocado. And normally some sea salt chips. 

When I got home, I discovered that I not only had the seasoning I've been waiting for in order to make a recipe been delivered,

 (Herbamore - http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=herbamare+seasoning&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=4391322795&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1326889671536470711&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&ref=pd_sl_8q7bvcfzuq_b )

but my oldest sister had also sent me a box of 6 bags of dried figs! OH BOY!!

I had honestly never had a fig in my life. Or a dried one. I'm not a big fan of dried fruit and stuff, honestly. My other sister made me some dried apple chips that are good though, and some good dried sweet potato chips, but they kind of break your teeth because they are thick.

Anyway, back to the figs - I decided to be open minded and try one, and so I opened up a bag. Ok. Why do these things smell like a combination of alcohol and my hair conditioner. 
Bad idea to smell things. 
It's best just to put a clothes pin on your nose during all of these food experimental moments. 

So...I tasted the conditioner smelling dried disgusting looking little brown shriveled thing (they are quite big, i was surprised.) and it was surprisingly kind of good. Strange aftertaste, interesting texture and the inside is gooey with little crunchy bits. Think fig newton, without the newton, and times 100, plus some conditioner.

For some reason, they are addicting, in a disgusting way. I ate a couple more lol. They are really good! Except for that smell, really.

Anyway, back to the Herbamore. When I opened up the package, both spices had opened up and were spilling in the box. I was very unhappy. What kind of spice jar doesn't have a seal? Who are these people with their amazing throw every spice into a jar and get away with it without a seal? I angrily complained to Amazon, so we will see if I get a response.
I wasn't going to use them because they were open, but then I got hungry and was like...oh whatever. 

and I made an Oven Omelet!

I have been staring at this recipe for days lol.
I didn't add any sausage or sundried tomatoes. 
And it came out beautifully!!!

It was absolutely delicious. I added more broccoli than originally called for, by the way. And I also thought it needed more eggs. See my "other recipes" tab for my altered recipe. 

Which yes, forgot to mention - all these recipes I try from other people, i am putting them on the "other recipes" tab with my changes. 

mmmm. Now I'm happily full. 


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