Thursday, April 5, 2012

Realizations are hard to take. Carrot Cake and Crushed Dreams

Today has been troublesome. 

First, I was forced to eat another nasty salad on campus (I hate salads, and honestly vinaigrette dressing is absolutely disgusting. I'd rather eat the salad plain, munching on the lettuce like a rabbit.)

Thennnn I made dinner, which was steamed asparagus with a tiny bit of olive oil (not too much or it will taste like you are knawing on an olive tree) and sea salt, with Carrot Cake Cookie Bars for dessert.

I was really excited about making this carrot cake, because 
1) I had all the ingredients for once
2) my sister just bought me xylitol and I was enthusiastic about trying it out
3) it looks so good....

Here is the recipe I used:

So, I gathered up all of my ingredients, mixed it together, baked it, and for ONCE, I had a finished product that came out perfect!
It did not look as good as her picture certainly, but still pretty amazing by my Ruin-All-Foods-I-Cook standards. 

So I ate a pretty large square from it. 

And immediately became completely sick. 

Like, really sick. 

So, while I was miserably clutching my stomach in pain, and cursing my body that thinks I keep eating quarters or something it must kill with my immune system (thanks a lot dumb immune system), I came to the conclusion that it must have been the xylitol. 

That's the only thing I'd never had before, and I'd certainly never had that strong of a reaction to any of the other ingredients. I did some googling and it seems that it is rather rare, but certainly plausible. And let's face it, my disease is rather rare, right? But apparently (see me for an example here), plausible. 

I'm going to test my hypothesis soon when I don't care about life or being sick for a good 6 hours. Until then....


UPDATE: Apparently, xylitol can be made from either corn or American Birch Trees. The one I had was made from corn. so, i will be trying the birch soon to see what happens, because i'm not supposed to have corn.

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