Monday, April 23, 2012

Freezer Meal Mayhem and two weeks left of school

I haven't posted for a while, I know. It seems like it's been such a busy past few days! I've mainly been stuck inside attempting to program. 

uhhh I'm trying to remember what's been going on, lol. Let's have an update on life, and then food. 

Yesterday was the last autocross of the semester, and since I was out in the sun for about 5-6 hours, I got a terrible sunburn. My skin is still currently burning. I don't know what's worse, the sunburn, or the shape of it. My tan lines look stupid. Good going Brittany, couldn't avoid that one for like two weeks until you got to vacation at the beach in something strapless? 

Also, last night in the shower (start of a good story right here, with that line), I stepped down really hard on my metal drain plug thing that had shifted sideways - and sliced my foot open. I tried to go to a doctor to get a tetanus shot today, but turns out I have to go tomorrow instead. It's ok, I have 72 HOURS from the injury where it is still effective. I don't think I necessarily need it for this, but my last tetanus shot was when I was 8 years old and I'd rather not risk something that has a 30% fatality rate. The odds are not often in my favor...did you know you're supposed to get one every 10 years at least? I remember getting the last one when I was 8 (good thing, because my medical records are lost to oblivion) because when the nurse said I'd need one in 10 years, I thought, "In 10 years, I'll be 18, and no one will be able to make me do anything"

like a boss.

Anyway, food I've been surviving off of. Remember that Pan-Roasted Chicken with Garlic Lemon Green Beans I made with Cindy and froze? I cooked it this weekend, and ok...Maybe I've never cooked a freezer meal or I did it wrong, but it took like freaking 4 hours to bake, and i'm not even kidding. I'm thinking next time I'll try and either cook the chicken half way or all the way and freeze it. Or maybe make it a crock pot meal. And I'm talking about generally, because that SPECIFIC meal was....hmm. Ok, first of all, DON'T PUT THE LEMON IN THERE. What the heck is wrong with people seasoning their meals with so much lemon? The whole thing was like a lemon stick. The meat is pretty good, not really seasoned though, the potatoes are a little lemony and dry, and the green beans were completely not edible - tasted like lemons.

Here is a picture anyway though:

Yesterday, after Autocross we went to Abuelo's again. I hope when I am allergy tested, I get to eat corn and stuff again because those chips there look good! 
Yes, it might be a good idea to bring your own pre-dinner snack when you go to some Mexican/Italian places because they normally bring out chips/dip or bread and that way you have something to munch on too. 
It didn't really bother me though, maybe I was just not in the mood to care, or maybe I'm getting used to not having the normal kinds of stuff I had before. I don't know. 

Oh yeah though, so I've been eating those potatoes and chicken from that meal for the past few days (with organic heinz ketchup, cheating but it doesn't hurt my stomach and I LOVE ketchup) and I noticed a difference in how I felt - It makes me very full, but not in a pleasant way, and I realized that used to happen all the time and hasn't really happened on this diet yet. It like makes me store a bunch of water like a camel or something. I don't know why, but I think I'm going to try and avoid potatoes from now on. 

I also changed my medical shake up. I normally just put
 a scoop of either the inflamx or clear stuff
some frozen blueberries/strawberries/bananas
fill up with 100% real aloe vera (the juice kind of course, not the sunburn kind)
zinc pill 
Lysine pill
sometimes I add flax oil as well. 

(if you don't know what I'm talking about, see the "About Me" page.)
And I have the shake as a meal replacement every other day or so (so far).

So, I'm still mad about my foot. I had to limp everywhere on campus today, because if I step down on my heel it hurts like H-E-L-L. I was going to go dancing this Thursday, but so much for that. It's ok, I only never get the opportunity. Ever. No big deal...I'll just go back to my basement and program again now.

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